Anita  6 years ago
Verified customer
Vlasta  6 years ago
Extremely Good
Super, high-quality shaker that doesn't crack after the third wash in the dishwasher.
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Super, kvalitny shaker ktory nepraskne po tretiom umyti v umyvacke.
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Verified customer
Peter  6 years ago
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KatarĂ­na  6 years ago
Extremely Good
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Tomas  6 years ago
Very Good
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Jaroslav  6 years ago
Extremely Good
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Milos  6 years ago
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Milan  6 years ago
Extremely Good
Verified customer
Patrik  6 years ago
This safe disappointed me. I bought it on the basis of a review where it was stated that it did not flow. I was disappointed because as a sudden safe you wash the cells and then you take, for example, water protein race. However, I have a feeling that there is no water leaking in the current, but there is a leaking water that got into the threads during the total washing from the previous batch. The big plus, however, is the lower part, where I take protein. Next time, however, I'll probably reach for some other "smart" safe.
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Tento sejker ma sklamal. Kupoval som ho na zaklade recenzii kde bolo uvedene ze netecie. U mna nastalo sklamanie pretoze ako nahle sejker umyjete cely a potom si don zoberiete napriklad vodu protein preteka. Mam vsak pocit ze nevyteka voda, ktora v nom aktualne je ale vyteka voda, ktora sa dostala do zavitov pocas celkoveho umyvania z predoslej davky. Velky plus je vsak spodna cast, do ktorej si beriem protein. Nabuduce vsak pravdepodobne siahnem po nejakom inom "smart" sejkry.
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