Maks  A month ago
Very Good
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Igor  A month ago
Extremely Good
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Alexander  2 months ago
Extremely Good
Great quality at a fair price
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Tolle Qualität zu einem fairen Preis
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Sebastian  2 months ago
Extremely Good
The ingredients are not bad, but you can't expect the product to make your muscles grow rapidly, but it certainly makes a good contribution if you train regularly and consistently.
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Die Inhaltsstoffe sind nicht schlecht, man kann von dem Produkt aber nicht erwarten, das es die Muskeln rasante wachsen lässt, aber es trägt sicherlich einen guten Beitrag dazu bei, wenn man regelmäßig und konsequent trainiert.
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Philip  3 months ago
Very Good
In my own opinion and use, I am quite satisfied. I have personally take anabolic steroids before many years ago for some years. And after a very long break from the training world and the steroids, I thought these worked very well. I have also been experimenting a bit with the dose of 1-3 daily. Over longer time. Where 3 clearly has a greater effect. But taste and pleasure. I just found out that I don't have to go back on anabolic steroids but stay here 👍
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Efter egen mening og brug er jeg godt tilfreds. Jeg har personligt tage anabolske steroider før for mange år siden i nogle år. Og efter en meget lang pause fra træning verdenen og steroiderne så syntes jeg disse virker meget godt . Jeg har også eksperimenterer lidt med dosen 1-3 dagligt . Over længere tid. Hvor 3 klart har en større effekt. Men smag og behag. Jeg har bare fundet ud af at skal ikke tilbage på anabolske steroider men bliver her 👍
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Detlef  3 months ago
Very Good
Shipping faster. It's all ok Product with a capsule with protein powder moderate. I'll take something else that's much better but also more expensive.
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Schneller Versand. Alles gut Produkt bei einer Kapsel mit Protein Pulver mässig. Ich werde was anderes nehmen,was viel besser aber auch teurer ist.
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Kheir Eddine Sami
Kheir Eddine Sami  3 months ago
Very Good
So far I feel good. I have no symptoms yet.
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Georg  3 months ago
Very Good
I can't say exactly yet. Tolerability is good
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Kann ich noch nicht genau sagen. Veträglichkeit ist gut
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Hendrik  3 months ago
Extremely Good
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