Michal  4 years ago
Very Good
It dissolves hard in water, I mix it into food (yogurt, flakes, smoothie), it's better.
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Vo vode sa rozpúšťa ťažko, miešam ho do jedla (jogurt, vločky, smootie), je to lepšie.
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Ilona  5 years ago
Very Good
Magnesium gives me energy during my mental work and after sports. The water-soluble powder was better, but there is a much better price and it is consumed well with yogurt.
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Magnesium mi dodává energii při mé duševní práci, tak i po sportu. Lepší byl rozpustný prášek ve vodě, ale zde je mnohem lepší cena a s jogurtem se konzumuje v pohodě.
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Sára  5 years ago
It doesn't dissolve very well so 3 *.
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Moc dobře se zrovna nerozpouští takže 3*.
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Lubor  5 years ago
Very Good
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Jakub  5 years ago
Extremely Good
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Peter  5 years ago
Extremely Good
Perfect regeneration. Together with Zinc, it's best after training and at bedtime.
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Perfektná regenerácia.Spolu so Zinkom je to to najlepšie po tréningu a pred spaním.
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Lukáš  6 years ago
Very Good
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Tomáš  6 years ago
Extremely Good
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Tibor  6 years ago
Extremely Good
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